Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Dillon's 16th B-day

My step-son turned 16 yesterday (April 23).  He is towers over me, and he's almost as tall as his dad.  It amazes me how much he has grown and changed just in the short time that I've known him (going three years now) 

We all went out to eat at China Star.  We enjoyed a nice dinner.  Towards the end the kids got a little silly and started playing with their food.  I now know why we don't take everyone out to dinner.  :)

Karlee was tired and when she gets really tired she is so goofy and silly.

Dillon laughing at Karlee

I'm not sure you should laugh when you have jello in your mouth...

Dillon and his girlfriend Shayna

This little jello monster.....her tongue matches her softball shirt

Sara went for ice cream but only came back with a cone.  My silly muffin!

Cheesecake time!

He is almost as tall as his Dad

A happy daddy hugging on his little baby boy...

boys will be boys
It was a really nice evening.  It was great to see everyone getting along, laughing and having fun.  Thank you Lord for blessings us with a nice family evening, celebrating Dillon's birthday.

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