Friday, August 26, 2011

God is Worth it!

Everyday I live for Christ.  I stumble at times but I know I can count on Him.  I know He will give me the courage and strength that I need.  He will supply me with the right words I need when I need them.  I can trust Him to take my best effort and make it better.  When I don't know who else to turn to in frustration or when the tears are rolling down my face and my heart is aching all I know to do is to reach out for Him.  He is there for me on my bad days and good days.  Serving God isn't easy at times and it doesn't mean its peaches and cream, and sunshine all the time. There will be rain and storms at times. Then there will be rainbows and cool breezes.  It does mean that God's presence is with me and that His peace keeps my soul calm.  It means that I need to obey Him and that is what he expects of me. I need to listen when he speaks to me through His Word, through the precious moments of time that need not to be looked over.  That is okay with me because God your are worth it!

God is worth leaning on.  God is worth giving up to.  God is worth it!  In every way, every moment of every day that I live.

(When I was writing this, a song came on in the background and it was this one.  I thought it fit perfectly.)

1 comment:

  1. I tell ya, the Christian walk isn't always easy but it's worth it. Not only because we're assured of salvation but because doing things God's way is the ONLY way. . . when I stumble around doing things my way and then decide to follow God's leading, what a difference!!! It still isn't always the easy way to do it His way but His perfect plan works things out so that when we look back all we can is stand in amazement and praise Him.
