Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Defeated Spirit

I have been feeling a decline of my ex-husband's spirit for a while now in the background of my life.  I see him drift in his little conversations with the kids on the phone.  The calls are not all that long and are far between.  The kids get off the phone expressing how down their daddy sounds and sounds as if he was crying.  His postings on Face book have not been good, they too express his spirit slipping.  I have been burdened with thoughts of him more and more at times.  I reflect on the past and find the good and the blessings and wish he could see them too.  I pray for him and ask the kids to pray for their daddy too.
I just received messages from him on my phone that show a defeated broken man that has given up and I fear that it will not end well.  I tried to say the right words for him from God but sadly they fell on deaf ears and a broken heart, defeated spirit of a man. I pray that my feelings do not end with a phone call and a conversation with our children that will leave them in tears. His last reply to mine left me hanging. 
Its been a few days later and he is hanging in there.  The kids have sent him messages on their phones, they all have talked to him too and heard his voice. They gave him hope and love with all their little hearts, trying reach out to him.  I've told them that they can help with father by talking to God and praying for him.   It helped that they did that now all they hang on to is their prayers.  Now they just wait its in God's hands now.
There is this song by a new found singer, her name is Jamie Grace.  The song is called Hold On.  The words in are powerful.  Karlee sent the song to her dad and it touched his heart and now she feels like he is going to Hold on.  I would love to upload it here but was unable too and the lyrics aren't found yet.  She is new so that is probably why.  

The defeated spirit should hold on and look upward for their strengthen and answers.  I hope that this one hangs on.....our children need in him in whatever capacity that he can give right now.  Things will change for him as long as he doesn't give up and will look to God.

I caught the chorus and wrote it down:

Holding on to what I believe
Oh I believe in you
give me the strength to fight
and a heart to believe
when its hard to believe in you.

If only I can fight just a little bit longer
I know its gonna make me stronger...

I'll just keep holding on....
holding on....

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