God continues to show me how there is a time and place for different people to come in and out of my life. There is always a reason that things don't happen my way. I'm blessed by his timing and therefore a new relationship has blossomed or old relationships has ended but either way God is in control and all is good.
I have discovered that I"m allergic to cilantro. I can't touch it or eat it! So that has sort of turned my world upside some since cilantro can be in so many things especially Mexican food, which I love. But I've decided not to worry about and just be aware of what is in the food that I eat when I'm away from home.
I'm reminded at how quickly time can go by and all the little moments that happen daily need to be enjoyed and treasured for what they are at the time before they are gone. I think of this mostly with my kids. For example Karlee just had her first 7th grade dance last Friday. She was so excited and couldn't wait to dress up and go hang out with her friends at the dance. I especially liked that idea that she was going with a group of friends instead of a boy (not ready for that yet). I couldn't help but think back to my first 7th grade dance and remember how the girls were on one side of the room and the boys on the other side, the music playing loud with no one dancing in the middle of the room. She said that actually wasn't the case and she danced in a group with her friends and had so much fun.
She is growing and changing so fast. |
My son Kyle is going to be 11 years old next month and I have noticed lately how much he has grown and changed too. For example he has finally started to let me in his world a little bit and has shared a little note that a girl gave to him telling him that she liked him. Not that I want him to have a "girl friend" at this age but it seems to be the next growing phase I think for boys when they start changing and growing in their relationships and encounters with girls. I guess what I'm trying to express is that my son shared something with me that I know was hard to share but he felt like he could and that means so much to me.
On Sunday we were walking out to the van after church and Dillon and Micah were walking side by side. I knew Dillon was tall but I didn't realize that he is almost as tall as his dad. So when I need to tell Dillon something or get on to him about something I'm looking up and feeling very short.
My little Sara bear, she turned 8 last month and she too has changed some. I love watching her talk to me and explain something to me, her little face lights up with excitement. She is so expressive when she talks.
There seem to be more little moments with Micah and I. You know the moments when you find yourself smiling and not so sure why but you can't help but smile. Moments of fun and laughter, more moments of opening up and sharing which ends up expressing so much more love than what could be voiced.
New perspective on things can really make things come alive again. I had a conversation with a friend today and I walked away feeling inspired again and full of hope. It amazes me how often we can get stuck on looking at things in our own way and how hard it is to get unstuck to look at things a little differently. Once you do look at things with a new perspective its amazing how alive you can feel again.
But with each new "discovery" positive or negative God is always there guiding me with wisdom, love, discipline, and encouragement to get me to the next discovery that makes a difference in my life and gives glory to him.
Isaiah 43:19
19 For I am about to do something new.
See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness.
I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. (NLT)