All that sounds like a full year that would have joys and bumps but in reality it sounds like the perfect description of what a year with God would be. I want a new year with God. I'm ready for the lessons, ups and downs, joys and blessings.
Here are a few little things I thought were good to read and take in so I thought I'd share.
It’s been said that there is the life you learn from and then the life you live. Many of us can relate to this concept. Take whatever lessons you can probably glean from your past- especially from your sorrows, our losses, and your failures. Scoop up this backpack of wisdom so you can peek into it now and then for its profound lessons. Finally you can begin hiking toward your new life and new mountaintops.
-SANDI PATTY (Falling Forward)
God, make a fresh start in me, shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life.-Psalm 51:10 MSG
He made us accepted in the Beloved.-Ephesians 1:6
I will meditate about your glory, splendor, majesty, and miracles. —Psalm 145:5
“Courage is fear that has said its prayer.” That resonates within me. I do many things today not because I feel brave, but because I have prayed and God has answered and met me with his strength in my utter weakness.
I don’t understand all the ways of the Lord, but then I’m not supposed to. Faith carries us through life’s unknowns and God’s mysteries. But one day, one absolutely glorious day, I will “get it,” and more importantly I’ll see Jesus face to face. That irrepressible hope keeps me breathing deeply, walking faithfully, and singing triumphantly.
—Patsy Clairmont
I don't know about you but I think it was all well said above that I'm excited and ready for the new year, a new Year with God!