Saturday, November 19, 2016

Quick Visit

Mom and Larry passed through here while they were on their trip of checking out some areas and places of AZ.  They want to move to AZ somewhere to be closer to the kids and I.

Kyle was hit the other day leaving the school parking lot for lunch :( He is alright but his car is a little ugly looking right now.  I called in a claim and waiting to hear back to see about the other person fixing my son's car.  It was an accident but it stinks just the same.

Sara is trying to teach grandma about snapchat, its a fun app to do silly faces and send to people.  It was quite entertaining to watch.

Silly face time!

It was a nice visit.  They came to town on Wednesday afternoon, and left Friday morning.  We enjoyed eating out and time together.  We watched a few funny movies on Netflix and laughed and laughed together.  Sara had fun being home to be the host and the "map" while they went out and about while I was at work and Kyle at school.  It was all around a good visit.  I'm so happy they came for a visit. I missed my mom the moment I walked out the door on Friday morning to go get in my car to head to work.  I can't wait for them to find a spot to settle in Arizona.

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