Saturday, November 19, 2016

An Extra Day

Last weekend wasn't anything special but it was perfect!  I had Friday off, Veterans Day.  Having an extra day off was so nice!  I finally got my car in to be serviced.  I spend most of Friday with Sara and we ran around doing some shopping.  I didn't want to be at home, the weather was nice and I wanted to be anywhere but home.  At home there were things to do, cleaning to get done and I just didn't want to deal with it.  Later Sara ended up going and spending the night at her friend Marlee's house.  Kyle was hanging out with his friends.  So it was just me the rest of the evening of Friday.  I was tired after all the walking around we did at the mall and the driving to and from, here and there.  I was so done for the day!  My knees ached and my fit bit recorded lots of steps for the day!

Saturday morning Kyle and I enjoyed breakfast together and then he spent most of the day at home playing video games.  I ended up spending my time being a social butterfly.  It was nice actually. I really do enjoy being around people.  I went to the FCF craft boutique first thing to check things out.  I bought some tortilla soup and potato soup, that was a must!  As I browsed around I ran into ladies I hadn't seen in a while and chatted with some briefly and others a little longer.

While I was there looking around I ran into someone who had spoken into my life shortly after I found out that I had Fibromyalgia, she had it too and dealt with it a lot longer than I had at the time.  We had met at Wildflower Bread Co. for lunch one time and I remember really enjoying our time together.  She had given me a journal with helpful information she had hand written in for me along with some bible verses of encouragement.  Telling me use it as a tool to record how I was feeling and how this or that affected me on this new journey of discovering Fibro.  The journal meant so much to me since she had put such love, effort and thought into it.  She and her husband had moved to Texas and that was the last I saw of her.  She pops in every year for the craft boutique at FCF to help, I think its great how she comes back each year. I love seeing her, she always looks so full of joy and happy.

During this encounter this  year I learned that she isn't in Texas any longer and is in California.  She left her husband 3 years ago.  I was a little surprised but she was so happy and okay with it.  She was closer to her kids and grandkids so that was the best part of it all.  I told her that I was divorced now and left Micah.  Her reaction was priceless, she high fived me and said awesome!  It was alright her reaction she meant sincerely and has happy for me.  She said that I looked so happy and that it was great to see my smile so big and happy.  She had learned to embrace life and re discovered who she was and was single and happy.  It was at that moment that I realized I was single on a path of re-discovering myself.  I didn't think much about it at the time, but the feeling that washed over was alright and I felt relieved.  It was a little odd but good at the same time.  I went from her to another friend and then another before I left with my new signs I bought and some soup.

I received a text from a friend that I used to live next door to.  She wanted to get together and catch up.  I ended up going back to meet up with her for lunch after I had left and gone home for an hour or so.  It was great to meet up and talk.

Sunday I went to church with Jane.  Her husband was out of town and she knows that I have been trying to check out different churches and she suggested one close to her and she had been to before.  So we went together and it was nice.  For once it felt okay to be someone that no one knew and I felt okay sitting among others that I didn't know.  It was a nice feeling, I was comfortable.

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