Wednesday, November 30, 2016

An only child

Today I was at work and took a few moments to text my son about mid afternoon to ask where he was at and what he was up.  I thought to myself how odd it was to have only one child to look after.  I say this because its been only Kyle and I together this week.  Tomorrow is Thursday and Sara will be back from Karlee's on Saturday.  I have missed Sara but its been interesting to see how things are with just Kyle around.  Earlier this evening he said wow its kinda nice being an only child this week.  Its funny he says that because he is in his room most of the time and so is Sara when she is home, so unless we eat together or go somewhere they are not really ever together much.

What I have noticed is how Kyle talks a little more to me.  He has been very patient with me while I've been worried about him driving his car in the weather still ever since I realized how bald his tires are at this point.  On a slightly negative note, when he gets frustrated with me because I disagree or I don't understand what he is talking about he stops talking and walks away, which is much better than yelling and shouting and slamming the door. Also he looks out for me, and steps up as the man of the house.

Tonight was really sweet, he went ahead of me an unlocked the door, I turned around and went and got his left overs from dinner from the car that he forgot and then as I was walking to the door he was still standing outside waiting for me and warning me.  He told me that in front of our door it was extremely slick with ice and to be careful, saying that he almost fell.  I appreciated the concern and the warning and avoided the area.  He made sure I was in without any problems then he came in behind me and locked the door and we were in for the night with our tummies full from dinner out together.

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