Monday, November 28, 2016

Thanksgiving in Whittman

Arriving Wednesday evening.....perfect timing, look at that sky!

I was happy to see my oldest!

Sisters together!!!

My Aunt's Mustang.  We went out and about on Friday at 5 different Good Wills.  It was fun spending time with my Aunt Susan.

Karlee, Talia & Angelia 

late night crew!

Our trip started out a little rough, I managed to make my son mad and my daughter cry.  But I kept driving forward, took a deep breath and drove down the road.  I always look forward to going to my Uncle's, its truly a get-a-way.  We arrived around 5:30 just be getting too dark.   Karlee arrived around 7:00.  We were all together!

This Thanksgiving was a little different than what I'm used to.  It was different for so many reason but what stood out the most was how informal it all was.  I'm not saying ours are formal, but a different feel.  My Aunt did most of everything, occasionally asking for help here or there.  She said that when it was ready that people could just come and go and eat when they want and that eventually she'd put it all away.  Well what I wanted most was for all of us to eat together.  My whole thing is eating together, share what you are thankful for, pray and then eat.  I went with the flow of things.  Most of us ended up eating together at the table.  My Uncle did not eat and my cousin Shawn ate after everything was put a way.  There were lots of laughs and conversation.  It was nice.

Friday my Aunt and I got ready to go Good Willin', she loves to go shopping at the Good Will and has found great items around her home and in her closet.  Sara and Kyle went with Karlee and Angelia to their place and then they went to the mall and lunch.  I enjoyed the day with my Aunt, found two nice blankets and some throw pillows for Sara's bed.  Later I headed over to Angelia's and Karlee and I went out and enjoyed sushi together.  I do miss getting sushi with her so I was happy that we could share that moment.

Saturday we all got up and went to get coffee from Dutch Bros and bagels from Einsteins for breakfast before heading home to Flagstaff.  Kyle and I left Sara there with Karlee for the week, (advantages of homeschooling) and we got home around 2:30.  Neither one of us were ready to be at home so he went to hang out with some friends and I went to Marshals and the Mall.  I ended up with stocking stuffers for the kids.  It was so nice to lay down in my bed, I missed my bed.

It was great to get away.  I'm happy we went to my Uncle's for Thanksgiving.

Moving on to the idea of Christmas now......*sigh

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