Thursday, November 21, 2013


I have friends in the ladies bible study on Tuesday mornings.  I have friends in my small group.  I have friends at church. I have a couple ladies that are mentors to me.  I love them all and couldn't make it without them. God has placed each one of them in my path at the right time for the right reason and continues to use them in my life. Through this I have learned to love others with His love, listen and uplift and encourage others, to let go and give it to the Lord, and to forgive and just be in the spirit with them.

God has recently given me another gift.  A gift that I haven't had in my life for a long time.  I think as women its hard to have a good friend, I think its because of the differences we have yet we are all so similar since God created us.  But when friendships are created through Him it is amazing and lasting.

When I lived in Fort Davis Tx, before moving here to Flagstaff AZ I had a good friend that was there for me in all aspects of my life.  Our friendship was hard at getting started and difficult at times to find a balance but we weathered the storms of life that were thrown at us and our families.  We would cry together, get irritated,  laugh like crazy together and then times of walking away and giving each other time apart.  We did things for each other, we helped each other, we cooked and hung out together, we shared life together with our kids and struggles in life.  At the time I guess looking back now you could say that as good as the friendship was we did find ourselves being more dependent upon each other and that caused issues (instead of being dependent on the Lord)  So when I left Fort Davis I left a huge gap behind and we have never been the same since.

The other day last week I experienced a feeling of friendship that I hadn't felt in a long time and this time knowing that it came from the Lord and his doing of timing I was overwhelmed with such a good feeling.  It wasn't nothing more than going over to her house and finding another new dear friend there too and the three of us spent time together doing crafty things, drinking coffee and talking and laughing.

Also when I went to pick the kids up from youth group I normal try to rush the kids out the door and go home but this time I found myself talking to a friend and talking and talking.  The kids were waiting on me instead.  Oddly enough it made me happy.  I even said on the way out the door...."What I have friends too you know"  I wanted to shout Yes I have friends!  My oldest daughter totally understood me and the meaning behind it.  She has been hoping that since we've been in Flagstaff that I would have some friends that I could go hang out with.  And now I feel like I do!

With two of these ladies I felt a nudge from the Lord to go and approach them.  I was drawn to these ladies and so thankful that I followed.

Then one day next door I knew there were going to be a few ladies in the house next door that I really wanted to go visit and be apart of.  I went next door and they welcomed me in and gave me a piece of pie and before leaving I realized that I had another friendship blossoming before me.

I hope you can see the difference in the friendship I experienced in TX verses here in AZ.  I have to give all the credit to my Heavenly Father.  Thank you so much.

Ecc 4:9-10
Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their efforts. For if either falls, his companion can lift him up; but pity the one who falls without another to life him up. 

Colossians 3:12-14 (Friend is pleasing)
Therefore, God's chosen ones, holy and loved, put on heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience,accepting one another and forgiving one another if anyone has a complaint against another.  Just as the Lord has forgiven you, so also you must forgive.  Above all, put on love, the perfect bond of unity.

Prov: 27:9 (Shape & Sharpen one another)
Oil and incense bring joy to the heart, and the sweetness of a friend is better than self-counsel.

Prov: 27: 17 (True friend strengthens & helps each other)
Iron sharpens iron, and one man (woman) sharpens another.

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