Yesterday we all got up and ready for church, we head out the door to get in the van and discover that our house and Micah's truck had been egged. Micah wasn't too happy about it and he and Dillon stayed behind to clean up the mess while the rest of us headed to church.
The sermon title was "Sincere Love", Romans 12:9-10.
Love must be without hypocrisy. Detest evil; cling to what is good. Show family affection to one another with brotherly love. Outdo one another in showing honor.
I'm sitting there at first distracted with looking at the door hoping Micah had made it to church after cleaning up all that mess. I eventually told myself to stop looking for him and just to sit and listen to the sermon. Once I began listening, I was focused and quickly looked for a pen to write some of the things that were sticking out and getting my attention.
(took this last year) |
Church was over and Micah and Dillon didn't make it after all. Once we got home everyone went in different directions doing what they needed to be doing. Micah and I got ready to head to Blue Ridge. The night before he asked me if I would go fishing with him at Blue Ridge. I can take it or leave it when it comes to fishing but I was excited that he had asked me and spending time with him is all that mattered to me.
On the way to Blue Ridge we did a some talking. At first it wasn't much of anything then shortly it turned into interesting conversation. I decided to bring up to Micah that the sermon was good and I wished he had been there. At first I wasn't sure how to bring it up but I soon realized that it was tying into what he had brought up of some of the things he has heard on the Christian radio station. I was excited that the conversation was going so smoothly.
I soon discovered that we both had heard the same message without him being there and that we were on the same page after all. There have been times I just wasn't sure where we stood together and I'm pleased and full of hope at knowing that we really are on the same page and we really are striving to go the same direction in our marriage and relationships with the kids.
It was also nice to hear Micah tell me that he had noticed some good changes in me lately and how things have been going with Dillon and I. That again rekindled the hope and brought a feeling of comfort knowing that God is really handling these things that have brought us all worried and concerns and we are able to see some of it now.
The sermon helped me see my relationship with Micah in a different light. Our relationship is on the right track even though it has been bumpy. One of the things that stuck out was when my pastor mentioned something about "liking" your partner and spending time with them and that the biblical love would come later and grow and change as we did.
*(Part of the sermon) "Liking someone is a matter of our mutual personalities and our enjoyment of similar things. It is one basis for forming close friendships. But loving those I may not choose as my close friends means that I genuinely care for them and I'm committed to help them be all that God wants them to be." Pastor Steve Cole
Micah and I like being around each other and we get along and enjoy doing things together. I mentioned all this Micah and he simply said "that's why I picked you" he likes my personality and likes my company. He has told me that before and it never seemed to be enough knowing that until I heard the sermon. Sure there are things I still would love to have between us but it will take time and in the mean time the long lasting love....the sincere love....the biblical love is developing and growing with us. Micah and I have made the commitment to love one another that speaks louder than you know. That is exciting and fills me full of hope.
Random thoughts I jotted down: "liking" helps knit us together
love is commitment for each other and their greater good
like and commitment =love
love is a command not a feeling
We get to Blue Ridge and I'm mesmerized by the beauty and the quite sounds of nature. I love Blue Ridge. I was enjoying gliding on the water in the kayak. It was so relaxing and calming being out there. There were two ducks sitting on a rock. One was white and one was brown. It occurred to me that they were different but yet they sat calmly next to each other looking out at the water. I told Micah to look and told him that they were enjoying being together like we were.
At the end of the evening we both told each other how we enjoyed our time together and headed back to the house. It was a great Sunday. Thank you so much Lord for giving my husband and I a few moments together to re-connect and make a new cherished memory.
You really do have things all under control :) thank you