Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Revealing Kind of Day

I got to church yesterday morning early for the ladies bible study.  I put my stuff down in the room and went to browse in the church library.  My attention was quickly drawn to the latest movie that they had on display for check out.  I quickly picked it up and opened it up to sign the card to check it out.  I noticed that I was the first person to check it out.  I was excited to take it home for my family and I to watch.

Yesterday I started my day off heavy with burden.  I sat in the ladies bible study questioning silently what I should do.  I was a little pre-occupied but I was able to hear the message that came out of it all and it was amazing.  I went in thinking one thing and came out thinking another, isn't that great how that works? :)

At the end of the study I confided briefly with two friends and their words spoke loudly and simply....take the situation to Christ....lead the person back to the cross.  Let God handle it.  I walked out feeling a little lighter.

As the day went on I started to feel at peace with all that had been going on inside of me.  In fact things were revealed to me about where I have been sinning lately.

My son came home from school looking very heavy burden too.  I was actually happy that he looked that way.  He and I talked some and then I realized that God has been working on him and that would explain his heavy burden look. 

The evening came and my husband came home from work.  I went to him shortly after we ate dinner and told him some things that were revealed to me throughout the day.  I also apologized to him for my sins that were revealed to me.  He listened and I could tell that he understood what I was trying to say through my babbling tears.  He hugged me close and held me for a minute. 

I felt so light by this point and very peaceful.

We all went down stairs to watch the movie that I brought home from the church library.

After the movie had ended my husband and I at the same time without knowing it said "WOW"!  The movie was awesome.  If you haven't seen it, you should.  It's a great family movie especially for fathers and sons but it also was good for the girls to watch too.  It showed girls how they need to be treated and cared for by their fathers that will later affect them when they move on into a relationship with someone when their fathers let them go to the next step.  It showed the boys responsibility , accountability.  There were moments of laughter and moments of tears.  It was a fantastic movie.

I looked over to my husband while the credit rolled out of the movie and said "thank you for bringing my ex-husband here, giving him a second chance to be with his children"

I found myself sitting there thinking about my whole day.  The movie was a perfect ending to the day...messages were sent out to everyone in the room (my son with his situation) .  My day had been planned by my Heavenly Father.  

How do I describe my day yesterday?  Perfect!
Lord thank you so much for my day.

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