Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Grandma sitting on Karlee's lap

Kyle playing video games

My cute little mommy and me

Sara is almost as tall as Grandma


My Grandmother

Grandpa and his butterfly (when Grandpa is around Sara is stuck to him like glue)

I love my Grandmother

and her little dog too.   This is Carmen.

It was nice to visit with my family.  We had a full house on Thanksgiving day.  My family and Dillon's Grandparents and his little brothers and sister.  We had a nice dinner but my poor husband didn't come down stairs to eat with us.  He was in bed sick with walking pneumonia.  My mom's visit was good but it seemed it went to fast.  There was one sad part to my mom's visit, we packed up my grandmother to head to El Paso TX with my mom and Larry.  My grandmother has lived in Flagstaff for 31 years.  She has been lonely since my Grandpa Melo died almost two years ago.  It was hard to say good-bye but I know she is ready for a new chapter in her life and she will be with my mom, so its all good. 

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