Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Make Over

The other day I spent the whole day with my oldest daughter Karlee.  We had so much fun.  We didn't really do much but there were lots of laughter, giggles, smiles and hugs throughout the day.  Later in the evening she asked if she could do my hair and makeup.  So I guess you could say she gave me a little mini make over.  I loved what she did with my hair and the colors of eye shadow she picked were nice too.  I was beaming inside and outside with happiness.  Little did my daughter know what she actually gave me....sure the make over was fun but spending the time with her, talking and just hanging out was more than I could have asked.  Also she brought to life again the "real me".  I almost felt like a teenager again.  The me that should be happy with who I am now.  To be happy with how I look now and not to dwell on what I looked like before.  I think as woman we struggle with this at times.  Heck its not like a model or actress or something...I'm simply me.  A mom, wife, daughter, friend and a child of God.  How else should I look?  I know just the way God created me!

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