Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Little Things

This weekend was a long weekend with the kids since they were out of school on Friday.  It wasn't a bad weekend at all.  In fact there were times that no one was in the house but me.  My husband is still out of town.  The two teenagers in the house were gone most of the weekend.   Saturday Sara and I spent most of the day together.  Today is Sunday and I only have the younger two home until later today.

Since there were moments that I was by myself or with one or two kids only I really noticed the little things around me that makes me smile.  It was nice to have some one on one time with my youngest daughter.  She makes me laugh with her constant little chatter at times.  She had such a great time running for Girls on the Run.  She was so proud of herself.  Her smile so big and the excitement in her in voice.  I was very proud of her too.

Last night Kyle, Sara and I watched some shows on Netflix and Kyle was sitting at the foot of my bed and I looked at him and stared for a bit.  He is into spiking his hair up in the middle of his head like a mohawk latley.  I asked him if he likes his hair that way and he said yes.  He asked me why and I said I was just wondering.  I couldn't help but smile real big as I looked at him (wondering what he was going to be like or look like in a few more years as he enters into his teenage years)

Little things like making quesadillas and watching a movie together.  Sara asking if she could sleep with me since Micah was still out of town.  There were many more throughout the weekend.  Its nice to stop and look at the little things that go on around me, I enjoy the smile and joy it brings to me.  It helps me take a "break" from things and enjoy the moment at that time (it helps things to keep moving forward).

We only have so much time with each other. I'm thinking that we should focus more on loving each other and not perfecting one another with expectations that can't be reached because we are not perfect. ( and never will be)  We should focus more on the fruits of the spirit with each other especially while we are still able to be a  family under one roof.  Things will change as the kids grow and move on into life on their own.

Despite all the ups and downs in my family, with my children, and husband, I love them all so much.  I love the little things and hold on to them dearly.

It was a quite weekend with not too much going on but it was filled with so much more at the same time.  Thank you Lord, for shedding light on the little things which bring great joy.  Thank you for slowing down my weekend to enjoy my weekend with my children.  Thank you for reminding me of how time goes fast therefore we should focus on love, kindness, forgiveness, and joy.  (and leave the changing to you)

Loving the little things......

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