Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Silence Please

Yesterday morning I was studying 1Peter 3 and Proverbs 31.  I read them out loud then I wrote some notes as I re-read them.   I wanted to remind myself my role as a Godly wife.  I have read those verses and my mentor and I have discussed them but I wanted to look at them closer.

This what I got out of it:

1 Peter 3
  • be responsive to my husbands needs
  • cultivate inner beauty, gentle and gracious
  • pure and reverent lives
  • gentle and quite spirit
  • won over by behavior without a word
  • Learn in silence with all submission (behavior not words can influence my husband)
  • A gentle person is not occupied with self
  • Live peaceably with others, God is the path to fix not mine. There is no room for quarrelsome attitude, nagging or babble

Proverbs 31 

  • to be kind
  • patient, willing and eager to help
  • prepared
  • rises early to get breakfast for husband and gets out the door for school
  • strong
  • caring for her family's needs and not self
  • available to family
  • helpful and giving
  • respectful
  • strong, capable, confident
  • brings good not harm
  • reliable, dependable, loyal
  • contributes to family
  • happy and cheerful
  • loving and kindness when she speaks
  • keeps organized and runs household
  • serves, gives and loves family 
  • plans ahead to accomplish task
  • recognizes need for God and His way not hers  
  • knows that all her needs will be provided by God 

(It is interesting to look back and see how my day started and what thoughts or situations continued throughout the day.  It seems that there was a plan that was set into motion yesterday with me studying those passages.)

Yesterday I went to my husbands follow up  doctors apt. While we were there we talked some, I'm really not sure how we got on the subject but we did.  Oh wait a minute we were talking about his blood pressure and being tired and teasing each other that there is never any stress in our lives.

He shares with me that there are two things that cause him stress.  He said his job and me.  I know really.....me....but why?  Well he says that it would be better if I kept silent sometimes....well most of the time.  He says that when I'm frustrated or upset I try to work things out verbally out loud and that causes him stress.  He doesn't want to hear everything that goes on in my head.

At first I felt like he just would be happier if I didn't exist at all.  But what he was really saying was that at times silence was better.  Maybe I agree some and maybe I don't.  Its hard being a woman and wanting to matter and count and be understood and heard.  But what I'm discovering is that its not so much of what I say that gets his attention but its what I don't say, its what I do.  I have discovered the truth in that myself and then I've read God's word on the subject too.  But its hard at times....I will be honest its not easy for me to keep my mouth shut.

After our light conversation on the matter I laughed a little about it but then I was concerned about it too.  I will pray about being a Godly wife with my Lord's help.  I pray that he will help me to shut my mouth when needed and to open it when its needs.  I pray that he will help me to speak kind words and to be patietnt when I speak to my husband.  I pray that I will respond to him out of love.  I pray that my actions will speak far louder than my words.

1 comment:

  1. WOW. . . let me just say this came in perfect timing. I say everything in my head through Skype right now since I'm deployed and today I might have gone too far. Tommy wasn't at the computer to see my rant but when he does it won't be good. I need to read and re-read what you wrote because I need to do it in my own marriage. I don't think God is too happy with me, right now.
