Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day by Day in a New Light

I know that after the previous post that it was on the serious deep side of life. I know that it’s only been a day since that night happened and things are not as they were. Which they shouldn’t be that would defeat the whole purpose of going through all that we did. Things are not to be solved so quickly and perfect! It is the new light that shines between us day by day that will get us to the next moment together. There is no need to rush and say okay its fine all fixed now. Its day by day in a His light that will carry us to the next knowing that in the end by his grace all will be good for all in the end and will bring Glory to our almighty Savior. There will be bumps in life, life won’t always be rainbows and candy filled happy go lucky smiles but it won’t take long to bounce right back into those joyous bright shining moments either.

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