Thursday, January 18, 2018

My light did not go out

Post written December 29th 2017

Don't let someone take your light and blow it out, leaving darkness.

My faith, hope and who I was - lost in that darkness.

Break free, leave it and move from it.

Re-light your light with hope, help from others, family, faith and God - God's strength.

Through all that and His strength I've been able to re-light my light shining brighter and brighter each day.

Finding me again along the way, re-discovering who I'am - my likes, dislikes, passions, connections with lost friendships, and exploring new relationships.

My light is shining brighter!
Renewed and refreshed, shining bright and brighter with each day!

My light will shine on......

(taking a moment to get caught up with things I've written but not shared yet, I think its important to continue to share my journey as things have started to wrap up from the last two years and move forward in a healthy and positive way  now, so thankful and so blessed)

I can't help but think of the little song that we teach our children and I once knew by heart so well too.  I hope it sticks in your head and plays over and over!  :)

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