Sunday, November 13, 2016

FCF Women's Retreat 2016

Hope is the anchor of my soul.  Hebrews 6:19 

The theme was about hope.  We have an "anchor" for our lives that can help us stand fast through the storms of life.  It is the conviction that no matter the circumstance, God's plans for our lives are "for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Jere 29:11

Heb 11:1

The worship was amazing!  It always is the best best part of the retreat!!!

The view from a bench I was sitting on enjoying some quite time.

This skit was based on a show that I have never seen called Chopped.  I don't have T.V. just Netflix.
But basically contestants are given various ingredients and then asked to make something out of it that presents well and tastes good.  My friend Deana was so funny with her "taco cupcake"!

Laura always comes up with the best skits! This one has her as Donald Trump and the other one is Hillary Clinton.

I was happy to see that my son spent time downstairs, the table was messed up and my bed was slept in....silly I know but it was nice to see how comfortable he made himself while I was gone.

I started this blog post three weeks ago and finally getting around to finishing it up.  Since then the retreat has had time to set in to my mind.  I was with a friend yesterday that I don't see very often.  I love it when we do get together, always so spontaneous and enjoyable and up lifting.  Anyways I ran into her at the FCF craft boutique we decided to meet up for lunch.  All this to say that she asked me about the retreat and what I got out of it.

I told her that I have been so busy moving forwarding that I need to stop  and sit still and just be with the Lord.....just sit still. 

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