Monday, June 30, 2014

Today is better!

Today those flowers from yesterday look more perky and cheerful, not so droopy.  I feel the same way too! God blessed me with another new day. A new day to start over.  I haven't done much today.  I have worked on the FCF woman's blog.  I have done a few things around the house.  I went to Physical Therapy.

Speaking of it really is helping.  I wasn't sure it was even going to work but it really is!  My pain is changing, its not constant anymore.  I don't tire as easy I was before, feeling like I had to sit down or stand up.  It really is making a difference.  I'm so happy that it is, I thought I would never start feeling good again.

Tomorrow I start offically at the Heritage Assisted Living House in Doney Park.  I'm excited!  I will get to spend time with the residents, doing activities with them, assisting in meals and odd little things around.  It will be nice to have a pay check to look forward to consistantly.

Each day it is more apparent how different my life is when I rely on God.  So grateful!

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