Saturday, November 9, 2019

October 2019 into November

Sara, Ben and I headed to visit my Uncle in Fence Lake the second weekend in October.  It was a fun trip, a little R&R, some target shooting and good conversation.  Oh and a mean game of Uno!  I'm not sure Sara will ever play with Ben and I again ha hahahaha.

My little pumpkin :)

My girls they got together for their annual trip to snow bowl to aspen corner to take Fall pictures together, this year they added the pumpkin patch.

I love my girls so much! I love that they find time to spend together.

His post on instagram was cute: "I mean I guess she's alright"
Kyle my handsome son :) Hanging out with Ben and I. 

I finally went to see my oldest in action behind the bar. 

My little brother.  He sent me a picture of himself, he looks like our daddy as he is getting older.

I made a Halloween arrangement for Ben, he was happy.  Silly guy he is just as bad as a little kid.

I'm loving these fingerless gloves that I had gotten at a craft fair.  They are awesome!

My two oldest having fun at a Halloween party at Karlee's place.

My silly kids!  Kyle a banana :) hahahaha

I purposely picked this fuzzy and blurry picture....we started the first Saturday of November off by me going into Sara's room to discovery that Claire her hamster was not moving.  It was a very sad day.

The rest of the day had its ups and downs but Sunday was a new and brighter day with going on a scenic drive with Ben.  I love it when we go exploring....