Tuesday, June 4, 2019

A few random thoughts & moments

So over Memorial Weekend Sara went to a concert with Kyle in Tuba City.  I was a little concerned about the drive and all that knowing where they were going and on all and with it being a holiday weekend, but they returned safe and sound.

I love seeing my kids spend time with each other.  These two especially because it doesn't happen very often.  Kyle did a great job looking out for her and they had fun.

I liked what this photo said, there are times I have a moment of weakness filled with worry, concern and anxiety and this is a nice reminder of God having it all taken care of and planned out.

Wow! My boy has been out of high school for a year!  Time flies so fast!  I'm very proud of him on how he is handling real life!

Life has slowed down some with my kids being older and two of them living on their own.  Its hard at times to go with the flow of each day and not having to go in so many different directions.  With Sara at home doing online school, it has also helped things slow down.  I have less stress in my life and I'm happy.  My kids are happy and doing well.  I'm making the most of each day and enjoying every moment I get to be with my family.

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