Yesterday on Facebook I discovered a very sweet dear friend of mine went to be with the Lord. She was delight, a bubble of joy, a light of love God's love shining bright where ever she went. She shared God's love and always lived thankfully in her heavenly father. Always had a huge beaming smile to go with her huge, tight hug of love and care.
No matter how much time went between when I'd see her she would take that moment to touch in with her joyful spirit and love on you at that time and pray for you. she would even send her hugs and love online through facebook and her page that she shared and posted encouraging, inspirational quotes and prayers of God's love. She did her best to bring the joy of the Lord into your life even for just a moment.
She was an inspiration! I will always cherish you Ms. Roni--I love you and I will miss you. I know you are alright and better than ever and running and dancing with our Lord, our heavenly father and savior.
Matthew 24:31 NLT
And he will send out his angels with the mighty blast of a trumpet, and they will gather his chosen ones from all over the world--from the farthest ends of the earth and heaven.
I found this poem that I thought was perfect.
Precious Memories
I am gone, but please don't weep or grieve with great despair
For I am now with Jesus Heaven's beauty I now share
Try to look beyond today for there's much for you to do
God has many blessings waiting on this earth for you
And think on precious memories until the day we'll be
Together in God's Heaven for all eternity.
This morning I read online once again.....another sweet and special lady left us to go be the Lord. Her name was Meg Dawson. I didn't know her as well personally but I knew of her through stories and others that had friendships with her. I did meet her once and you could see the glow of the Lord radiantly beaming off of her.
My prayers are with the loved ones of these two beautiful woman. Grieving is not something we can ignore and I pray that the Lord will be with all healing their hearts but comfort in the Lord is something we can feel and hold onto. I pray that all will feel His great comfort in their lives as they miss these two beautiful ladies.
I'm grateful to have met and known His precious daughters.