Thursday, September 7, 2017

Negative Little Seeds of Doubt

I can't believe it is already September.  School has been going since the 10th of August, the kids have been busy with their sports and life just keeps moving along.  Before we know it the season will have changed and it will be in the middle of Fall.  Time can move so fast, these days I'm really trying to take life moment by moment and not think too far ahead.  Its not easy to do that and here lately I've had a few moments where I've gotten bogged down and have let Satan in to play with my thoughts and emotions.  Not good, nope not at all!  Satan can be mean when he just plants one little tiny seed of doubt and BOOM there it goes into a thousand crazy little thoughts of negativity and doubts!

Today I feel like I've been able to finally push him away again.  I'm sort of upset with myself to have let him play with my thoughts but then again I'm only human and God made us to be complex when it comes to our thoughts and emotions so that we can seek Him out and allow Him to lead us where we need to be and grow more and be close to Him.  So really at times, and oddly enough Satan sort of helps in that sense but thats it!!

Anyways its really not important what set off these thoughts of doubt, rejections and insecurities what matters is how I let it seep into my life again and mess with my thoughts!  I'm weak and I need the Lord at all times and I'm thankful he is always there even when I don't seek Him out.  The last couple of days have shown me how much I always need the Lord in my life.  It also has shown my how easy it would be to fall backwards into that oddly comfortable pit that I've dug myself out of these last several months.  I don't want to get sucked back into that area of my life.

I've let the daily stresses of life bring me down again and I shouldn't when there is so much to be thankful for and to be happy with despite all else that goes around me.  I need to lean where my strength is and grab a hold it and keep moving forward.  Satan can take his little seeds of negativity and doubt and sit on them!!!

Deuteronomy 31:8
The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.

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