Sunday, December 29, 2013

It's Still not Over

I can't believe that on October 15th when I had a hysterectomy that I would still be going through something from it!  This has been one long process and it's not over yet.  I thought that after this last surgery on December 16th to fix the damage from the surgery in October that I would be feeling better by now.

That is not the case.  I now have a collection of fluid that has built up against my bladder where they had worked on during this last surgery.  I have been in constant pain for a few days now.  At first we thought it was from the stent that was placed there and will be there for a month.  That is there to help the ureter to heal but it also causes pain, spasms, and discomfort.

There seems to be an infection going on right now that they are treating with medicine.  I had a CT Scan yesterday and that is how we found the collection of fluid.  They seem puzzled by it and not sure what to do about it and hope that it came about from an infection and will clear up soon on its own, in the meantime it causes pain and makes me miserable.

I've been resting often and laying down and sleeping.  I don't feel like doing much else.  My stomach isn't quite like it used to be so there are times I don't want to eat or I feel yucky after I eat.  I'm tired all the time.  I'm very frustrated about all this.

But I still hang on to knowing that God gives his people strength, and peace.  I'm trusting God and I have hope.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww Kat that makes me sad to think of you so miserable. I'm sending prayers right now and will continue to every day until you confirm you are healed. Love U
