Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Saturday was filled with more excitement.  There was Chad Eastham who was the translator on guys-what they say and what they mean.  He talked about dating and not dating and just being friends.  At first I wasn't sure where he was going with some of what he was saying but soon I relaxed and was okay with his message to the girls.  NOT TO HAVE BOYFRIENDS JUST BE YOUR AGE AND NOT WORRY ABOUT THE LOVE THING AND ALL THAT.

Then there was Jenna Lucado Bishop (Max Lucado's daughter)  She was a passionate speaker and really expressed hope to the girls.  Kathryn McCormick was new to the Revolve team.  She is a dancer, was on the show So You Think You Can Dance?  Her quote "Pray the impossible andone day you will look back and surprise yourself because you will realize there is no such thing."  She shared her inspirational story.  To always have a dream and go for it because anything possible.

Jamie Grace was one of Karlee's favorites.  Jamie is a speaker, musician and actress.  At 11 she was diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome.  She had a very inspriational story to share.  I love her quote "I don't really like roller coasters-so not my thing.  However, sometimes life has a way of feeling like a roller coaster with its ups and downs.  But I've decided that whether I'm going up or down...I'm so staying on this ride."
Karlee said she thought she was very real and down to earth, very cute and bubbly personality.  Jamie had posted a song that she sung on You Tube and was discovered by Toby Mac and is currently working on music with him.

The Drama team did a skit on suicide, it was intense but expressed in such a good way on the level that the girls could understand.  All of their skits were worth paying attention too. 

All of the messages were amazing so full of hope.  Throughout the whole event they really sent the message out about being who you are and knowing that is enough.  I loved how Kathryn talked about how important it is to communicate to your parents.  That was a topic that Karlee and I have been working on.  Kathryn expressed that no matter what you might have to say or the reaction you may get that it will be alright in the end because your parents love and God loves you.  The other message I hope Karlee heard loud and clear was about not having a boyfriend, not being ready or need to be ready right now with all the ups and downs and learning that goes on in a relationship until you are much older.  The importance of being the age you are now and not trying to be anything else but that.

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